8 Ways Great Leaders Deal With Disappointment

Recently, I have made solid plans around an opportunity that didn’t turn out…

Though I didn’t care much about the opportunity, I was frustrated that the plans that I carefully hatched fell through.

In order to find out why the opportunity fell off, I had a conversation with a toxic individual who spewed lies and venom and with whom I happened to get out of character.

Because I lost my plans for the future and gave away my personal power, I was deeply disappointed in myself and in the circumstances.
If you are a trailblazing leader, are goal-oriented or enjoy making plans for the future, these moments happen often and you will face a lot of disappointments in your life.

That is why, you simply have to learn to cope with it.

Wondering how leaders overcome disappointment in life?

8 Ways Great Leaders Deal With Disappointment #resilience #adversity #leadership #failure #success #selfesteem

The importance of disappointments

Disappointment is defined as feelings of sadness or displeasure caused by feelings of unfulfilled hope and failed expectations.

Sometimes, an opportunity that we wished for just doesn’t turn out; A person we are hoping for doesn’t show up or act right.

However, life never goes according to plans. Eventually, you will make new plans, you will realize that not every opportunity is a good opportunity and not everyone is good for you.

Feelings of disappointment are hard to get rid off at first but are ephemeral. Those feelings will go away with time.
Once you have overcome these feelings, you will finally understand who you truly are, you can grow as a person, become a stronger person, and build up your character.

How to overcome disappointment?

1. Accept your emotions

Disappointment is part of life and everyone will experience it at some point in life.

Disappointment can trigger a vast array of emotions that you cannot run away from or cover up.

It becomes critical to acknowledge your feelings and find out what exactly triggered it.

Refusing to analyze, confront and discipline your emotions can cause long-term damage on your health.

2. Forgive yourself

Learning to forgive yourself is the hardest part of dealing with disappointment because we are grasping our errors and what we “should” have done instead.

You are only human. You have made mistakes and you will probably make some more.

So, be compassionate with yourself, avoid shifting blame and take care of yourself. Eat well, sleep well and exercise.

3. Reframe your mindset

Now, that you have dealt with your raw emotions, it is time to restructure your mindset, improve on yourself, analyze your situation and mentally distance yourself from your past expectations.

This is the moment when you get comfortable with feeling uncomfortable, when you accept disappointment as a part of life and as a challenge, when you use it to improve yourself and to change the way you have been doing things.

While you are reframing your mindset:

  • Monitor your self-talk.
  • Don’t expect to be constantly disappointed because you attract what you think.
  • Practice self control to make better decisions, to nurture healthy thoughts because you are responsible for yourself.

4. Shift your focus

Now that you have reframed your mind, you have to trust that positivity can result from a negative situation and focus on turning your negative situation into a positive one.

The best way to keep moving forward and to making the best out of any situation is to stay busy, positive, focused and on purpose, to focus on your strengths and on who you want to be.

You can also find out what you could have done differently and make your goals more achievable.

5. Stay present

Your disappointment happened in the past and it’s time to move on.

There is no sense in replaying a situation in your mind over and over again.

It becomes detrimental to your health to be present and be grateful for what you currently have.

If you cannot remain in the present and keep ruminating, it is best to quickly analyze your feelings until you get closure.

6. Surround yourself with positive people

Disappointment can turn into a burden that can be too heavy for one person.

It can be helpful to share your disappointment with people you trust and who care about you.

As a general notice:

  • Be careful who you surround yourself with.
  • Stay away from people who constantly disappoint you or who hurt you on purpose.

7. Let go control

In life, you must always remember that you cannot control everything that happens to you or around you.


  • Don’t worry about the circumstances outside your control. It won’t change anything.
  • Trust that life has a better plan and solution for you.
  • Remember that there are many more opportunities out there.
  • Don’t get too attached to your plans and expectations.
  • Expect setbacks in life.

8. Grow!

Remember that life is a journey and that every failure brings you closer to your success.

We can learn something from every life experience, even from our disappointments.

Last Words Of Advice!

No matter the situation, always maintain your personal power.

There is no need to always throw yourself a pity party.

Once you have given yourself time to heal and when you get over your feelings of disappointment, you must think about what you could have done differently and implement the new solution the next time you face a similar situation.

Now that you know better, do better!

Hope that I’ve helped you get it together on your way to leadership!

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5 Essential Skills For Rewarding Networking

Depending on your communication style, networking can be entertaining or draining…

Some enjoy being the center of attention and others laying low in the back.

Either way, there are a few tips you can use to reap the most rewards of any networking event.

5 Essential Skills For Rewarding Networking #networking #rewards #sucess #communicationstyle #journeytoleadership journeytoleadershipblog.com

Need support or want to land a leadership position? Check out our website!

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5 Essential Leadership Skills For Effective Communication

Effective communication is all about receiving and conveying a message, an idea or concept as intended…

Effective communication means adapting your communication style to a specific context.

It helps to avoid misunderstandings, build relationships, instill trust and respect, in being more inclusive.

5 Essential Leadership Skills For Effective Communication

Developing powerful communication skills plays a real role in a leader’s career.

Need support or want to land a leadership position? Check out our website or join our weekly training program!

We host training programs all year round in Paris, France.

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5 Essential Leadership Skills

As we know, leadership development is a lifelong journey…

Since 2017, Journey To Leadership is more than privileged to:

  • Promote diversity in leadership
  • Develop leaders potential and character
  • Encourage learning & train leaders around the world

Leaders reach their highest potential and identify their best selves by essentially working on these 5 leadership skills.

5 Essential Leadership Skills #leadership #leadershipdevelopment #selfdevelopment #journeytoleadership journeytoleadershipblog.com

Need support or want to land a leadership position? Check out our website or join our weekly training program!
Hope that I’ve helped you get it together on your way to leadership!

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The Importance Of Creativity In Leadership

Organizations often face challenges that cannot be handle the traditional way.

Leaders quickly realize that creativity is the skill that will remove challenges, increase the success rate and will optimistically carry their organization into the future.

Wondering how to boost your creativity?

The Importance Of Creativity In Leadership #innovation #creativity #leadership #risks #change #passions #talents #strengths #mindfulness #journeytoleadership journeytoleadershipblog.con

What is creativity?

Creativity doesn’t belong to the select few.

Creativity is the process of producing something out of nothing, of combining older ideas, of bringing imagination and ideas into reality.

Creativity is intelligence having fun. - Albert Einstein Click To Tweet

The benefits of creativity in leadership

In leadership, creativity is the mindset that improves workplace culture. Leaders who are creative:

  • Are self-aware, authentic and passionate.
  • Are solution-oriented and insightful.
  • Are walking inspirations and are confident about their abilities.
  • Make easy connections and see possibilities where there aren’t any.
  • Understand that the world has changed and is changing.
  • Think outside the box and challenge the status quo.
  • Need motivation and autonomy.

How to boost your creativity?

Creativity is harder than we think but plays an important role in job satisfaction. There are a few ways that you can boost your creativity.

1. Take time off to restore yourself

Restoring yourself means that you know who you are and that you understand that society can erode your authentic self. Taking time off will help you to:

  • Get out of your boring routine.
  • Let your imagination run wild.
  • Practice meditation, sleep and rest your mind.
  • Prepare yourself for your next move.
  • Exercise. Exercising will help you clear your mind and energize you.
  • Put some distance between your personal project and your thoughts.
  • Organize your day and work at hours where your creativity is the highest.
  • Enjoy solitude. Solitude allows introspection and introspection triggers creativity.

2. Change your habits

It is good to change your way of doing things from time to time. In order to renew your though pattern:

  • Go somewhere or try something new.
  • Try things without fear or shame.
  • Say yes to different opportunities more often.
  • Expose yourself to things that inspire you and gain more experience.
  • Build up new good habits. Building new habits will allow your body to go on autopilot while your mind is free to wander.

For leaders to become original, they would have to know what has already been created.

3. Don’t avoid failures

Failure happens to everyone and is inevitable.

Therefore, take more risks and learn the rules so you can break them.

In addition, laugh at yourself and welcome constructive criticism.

Fail as much as you can and fail early because even when you fail, you can always start over and the lessons learned will make you smarter.

4. Follow your passions and talents

Your passions and talents come easy to you, can be sustained on long periods of time and will fuel your creativity.

Your passion will inspire someone else to be creative. To identify your passions and talents:

5. Work on your skills

Acquiring expertise in your area of interest will be swift and will liberate your mind so that your creativity can takeover.

A writer who has never learnt to read or write cannot express his creativity.

A fashion designer who hasn’t learnt different sowing techniques cannot attain their highest potential.

A leader who has never learnt to communicate efficiently will have a hard time sharing their ideas.

6. Keep on open mind

When you want to be creative, it becomes critical to keep an open mind for whatever you do:

  • Have an insatiable level of curiosity.
  • Listen to the ideas that come to you.
  • Read books, listen to music, watch shows that will inspire you and that do not necessarily pertain to your are of interest.
  • Learn new skills. Learning new skills will give you the opportunity to explore.
  • Remove fear or other negative emotions that may block your thinking process.

7. Write down whatever comes to your mind

Ideas come to you at impromptu moments. It becomes handy to keep a notebook with you at all times so you can write them down as soon as possible.

To jumpstart your imagination, you can try brainstorming techniques or stare at a blank canvas as long as you need it. Blank canvas can be intimidating because there is an unlimited amount of outcomes.

When you are writing down your ideas, remember that there are no good or bad idea, just an unlimited number of ideas.

8. Monitor your surroundings

To get inspiration, you must surround yourself with creative people or with people from different backgrounds who hold different opinions.

You can also sit in public and observe the movement of people.

Last Words Of Advice!

It is one thing to be creative and another to maintain the creative process. You must learn yourself well and stay confident in your ability to create.

To maintain your creativity, first share your vision and ideas across your organization. Then, encourage others to come to you with ideas.

Is your organization doing enough to increase the creativity within the company?

Hope that I’ve helped you get it together on your way to leadership!

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1 Outstanding App For Team-Building Activities

In the workplace, every single person, from the leaders to the team members, is different…

Each person comes with a different personality, different values and different levels of soft skills.

Companies and leaders often seek solutions like team-building to remove tension between people, to take the edge off, to smoothen processes and to increase productivity.

1 Outstanding App For Team-Building Activities #teambuilding #team #professional #effectiveness #coworkers #leadership #leadershipdevelopment #journeytoleadership journeytoleadershipblog.com

Because team-building activities can be expensive, demanding, time-consuming and feel like a chore to most, The Go Game App provides new ways and customizable solutions to build up your team.

The Go Game is an application that promotes professional effectiveness, connects your team and somehow entertains your team using real world surroundings.

Even if you and your team don’t see yourself hanging with your each other and other coworkers after hours, The Go Game leverages their virtual event platform to provide:

  • Virtual events.
  • In person events.
  • Hybrid events, bringing together in person teams and remote teams.

Events can be as short as 1 hour for virtual events and 3 hours for in person events.


Journey To Leadership curates the best apps available on the market to satisfy the needs of our readers and leaders.

You’ve got a great app and want to promote it on our website, make sure to check out our prices and to contact us.

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4 Best Recruitment Apps For Leaders

It’s time to hire a new employee…

Finally, you realize that you need a hand and you have the budget to hire someone.

However, you don’t know where to start, where to look and who to look for.

No need to go to a recruitment agency.

There are a few leadership apps that can ease your life during the recrutement process and help you make a confident decision.

4 Best Recruitment Apps For Leaders #bestapps #apps #leadershipapps #leadershipsolutions #journeytoleadership journeytoleadershipblog.com

1. BreezyHR

BreezyHR is a hiring platform that helps you make better hiring decisions,

With BreezyHR, you can attract, engage, manage and review the right candidates seamlessly in one place with custom questionnaires, automated interview scheduling, email & SMS messaging.

You can publish the job description and can start recruiting conversations directly on BreezyHR hiring platform.

You will then be able to recognize the best applicants at a glance with convenient, structured feedback.

2. 20NINE

20NINE is specific to hiring internationally and allows you to build, manage, and retain an
international team easily and efficiently, with professional liability.
With 20NINE, you will be able to create your candidate database, import candidates from LinkedIn, send personal mass emails and add candidates to call lists.
In addition, you will be able to tag candidates with the right skills and experiences to easily find suitable profiles.

3. Workable

Workable is a recruiting software that centralizes the recruitment process in one location, reduces the timeframe of the hiring process for the candidates and for the recruiter.

Workable takes advantage the fast-moving hiring market and hiring pool, allows you to measure the recruitment initiatives and to focus on what matters.

4. Oyster

Oyster is a global employment platform designed to enable visionary HR leaders to find, engage, pay, manage, develop and take care of a thriving global workforce.

You can source out the applicants from all over the world and focus on building a brilliant global team.

Journey To Leadership curates the best apps available on the market to satisfy the needs of our readers and leaders.

You’ve got a great app and want to promote it on our website, make sure to check out our prices and to contact us.

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5 Essential Skills To Seek Discomfort

Seeking discomfort is leaving beyond the limits of your comfort zone and what you are familiar with…

Leaders who seek discomfort are seeking a challenge, opportunities for change, overcoming fears, for personal growth and improvement.

Below are five essentials skills for leaders to acquire to seek discomfort.

5 Essential Skills To Seek Discomfort #essentialskills #skills #discomfort #seekdiscomfort #journeytoleadership journeytoleadershipblog.com

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5 Essential Skills To Teach Effectively

Sometimes, as a leader, you may have to teach something, share your knowledge or go and learn something yourself…

Effective teaching is required when leaders interact with their team, want to share useful ideas with their team or wish to increase overall expertise.

Below are five essentials skills to acquire to teach effectively.

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5 Essential Skills To Deal With Difficult People

Difficult people intentionally, consciously or voluntarily create difficult situations for others around them and can easily slow down productivity and break down morale…

Dealing with difficult people is part of leadership.

Below are five essentials skills to acquire.

5 Essential Skills To Deal With Difficult People #skills #leadershipskills #leadership #leadershipdevelopment #journeytoleadership journeytoleadershipblog.com

We host training programs all year round in Paris, France.

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