The Key To Success by Russell H. Conwell

An intelligent person recognizes their abilities and limits, understand that they have to hire someone with more insights, knowledge and competencies to do what she or he is not able to do.

It is evident that very few are fit to lead or to know what to do under difficult or important circumstances: only wise and good men are fit to be leaders.

The Key To Success by Russell H. Conwell #success #leadership #leadershipdevelopment #journeytoleadership

The story of the Silver Crown

In Ackba, there was a beautiful palace and in the palace, next to the throne, there was a pedestal with a Silver Crown, which the emperor wore when he passed a law and without which the emperor was a regular citizen.

After many years of ruling, the emperor died and left the throne without an heir or anyone to claim the Silver Crown.

After twelve years of searching for a successor, when the country started to sink, the astrologers, who worshipped the stars, asked the stars where to find a successor. The stars answered:

Look up and look down your country, and when you find a man whom the animals follow, the sun serves, the waters obey, and mankind love, you need not to ask who his ancestors were. This man will be one of the royal line entitle to the throne of gold and the Crown of Silver.

The astrologers searched the country, asked the people but were met with ridicule.

Until one night, an old astrologer got lost in the Himalaya Mountains and took refuge in a cottage to find an intelligent leader, worthy of the throne.

Through the story of the Silver Crown, Russell H. Conwell illustrates four characteristics that he deems are necessary to subsist in modern civilization.

How to find the intelligent leaders of tomorrow?

In life, it becomes necessary to have a leading man or woman.

Russell H. Conwell uses the four characteristics of the Silver Crown story to determine the leaders of tomorrow: a man or woman whom the animals follow, a man or woman whom the sun serves, a man or woman whom the waters obey, and a man or woman who possesses mankind love.

Characteristic 1: Animals will follow the leader

Conwell considers that, alike universities, animals ought to instruct and encourage us.

He takes a scientifical approach to demonstrate the knowledge and power embodied in animals.

Studying the animals and taking notice of their instinctive knowledge on a daily basis will allow us to comprehend life better.

For example, the horse is much more useful than a human being. The horse “has within its body so much galvanic and electric force continually generated by the activities of life, that if that electricity could be concentrated and held to a certain point, a horse could stand still and run a forty-horse power electric engine.” Whereas, a human being, standing still, can run a ten-power horse engine.

Furthermore, a hen and her egg are filled with mystery and more knowledge than an intelligent professor with degrees from prestigious schools are willing to admit or to spend time studying.

Conwell believes, contrary to science, that hens or chickens possess their own language, the “egg is the greatest scientific problem with which the world has ever grappled — the beginning of life and the God-given design”.

Characteristics 2 & 3: the sun will serve the leader and the waters will obey the leader

Through the story of the locomotive and the milkman, Conwell shows how a leader is being served by both sun and water, the importance of getting educated on a daily basis and noticing the events around us and noticing the unnoticed.

The locomotive, using steam to move and driven by Man, is used to illustrate these 2 characteristics.

A milkman took a locomotive every day to distribute his milk. On the train, he consistently asked questions about the functioning of the train to the engineers.

One day, while the fireman and the engineer were absent, the train rolled down the mountain.

Fortunately, the milkman was on the train, knew how to drive it and saved everyone, including a stakeholder in the railroad company. The milkman happened to get rich of his knowledge and his curiosity.

Characteristic 4: mankind will love the leader

A leader gains the love of mankind by being great benefactors: while they are going after their own success, they bless humanity, they hear the call of humanity and respond to it.

The university from which they have graduated from does not matter in real life.

University can make you unlearn the real values and useful knowledge, needed in real life.

An uneducated person will know more instinctively than anyone who has been to school by using their everyday observations, even though they have a degree from a university or not.


The Key To Success by Russell H. Conwell is a great book that takes approximately one hour to read.

It is filled with picturesque stories and fictional dialogues to illustrate and to get us to remember his point.

The Key To Success is dedicated to those who wish to become leaders and strengthens their core values, for those who are eager for success. It emphasizes the idea that every man is his own university, that every man should take notice of his surroundings and learn from everything.

The Key To Success by Russell H. Conwell is an essay to encourage people to seek their own success by observing the events around them. Russell H. Conwell seeks to find the intelligent and the “leading men and women” of tomorrow.

In The Key To Success, Russell H. Conwell is very controversial, progressist, scientifically curious and forward for his time.

He is continually questioning the limits of science and of human knowledge, is answering the questions that science cannot answer with the knowledge of God.

After reading this book, all I could think is “I like this guy” for his opinion. Conwell does not hesitate to denounce academics, with diplomas from prestigious schools, who have no time to study “lesser” things in life, who belive that their studied education trumps their natural and instinctive education.

Hence, for him, science does not explain everything but we should seek explanation from God.

Favorite quote(s)

There is danger that a man will get so much education that he won’t know anything of real value because his useless education has driven the useful out of his mind.

The great scientific men—and we need more—often are not given the full credit that is due them because they have not “graduated” from somewhere. It seems to me there is a feeling in these later days for creating an aristocracy among the men who have graduated from some rich university. But that does not determine a man’s life. It may be a foolish tyranny for a little while, but nevertheless every man and woman must finally take the place where he and she are best fitted to be, and do the things that he and she can do best, and the things about which he and she really know. Where they graduated, or when, will not long count in the race of practical life.

Do you know that the humblest man, whatever his occupation, really knows instinctively certain things better for not having been to school much? It is so easy to bias the mind.

No man ever gives himself for others’ good in the right spirit without receiving “a hundredfold more in this present time.”

Many of us spend our lives searching for success when it is usually so close that we can reach out and touch it

Ratings 3,5/5


Russell Herman Conwell

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5 Transferable Leadership Lessons

Leaders are able to sustain themselves and others using key leadership lessons that are transferable to life.

Indeed, when they are facing real life issues, the same principles keep them on track.

Wondering what are these transferable lessons?

5 Transferable Leadership Lessons #leadership #leaderahiplessons #lessons #journeytoleadership

1. Identify your purpose

When you discover your purpose, you will not want to settle for less until then finding out what it is should take up most of your time and is an inherent part of the journey.

If you don’t know what it is, you can always follow your passion because at some point and to some extent you will find your purpose.

2. Find your place of strength

Finding out your strengths is tricky because we have a hard time identifying and valuing what comes natural and easy to us.

Discovering ways to use your strengths and actually using them are empowering and will propel you forward in life.

Discovering ways to use your strengths and actually using them are empowering and will propel you forward in life.

3. Trust your instincts

So many times we deny what we believe to be True and what our intuition whispers to us for the sake of people who don’t value us and for situation that destroy us

When you understand how profitable it is to trust your instincts, you will learn to listen and follow even when it doesn’t look like you should.

4. Think positively

If you think you’ll fail, then you probably will.

If you think you’ll have a bad day, you probably will.

So, watch your thoughts, start each day with a positive mindset and note the gradual changes in your decisions, perceptions, and actions.

If you think you’ll have a bad day, you probably will.

So, watch your thoughts, start each day with a positive mindset and note the gradual changes in your decisions, perceptions, and actions.

5. Understand that we all face adversity

We all go through moments of adversity, big ones, small ones, long-lasting ones, short-termed ones, ones that build you up, ones that are meant to destroy you.

Adversity can break you only if you let it.

But if you make it on the other side, your adversity will leave the gift of knowledge and wisdom.

Last Words Of Advice

These leadership lessons are not a guarantee that you would not have to deal with challenges but they guarantee that you will see them through.

Hope that I’ve helped you get it together on your way to leadership!

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5 Essential Leadership Skills For Effective Communication

Effective communication is all about receiving and conveying a message, an idea or concept as intended…

Effective communication means adapting your communication style to a specific context.

It helps to avoid misunderstandings, build relationships, instill trust and respect, in being more inclusive.

5 Essential Leadership Skills For Effective Communication

Developing powerful communication skills plays a real role in a leader’s career.

Need support or want to land a leadership position? Check out our website or join our weekly training program!

We host training programs all year round in Paris, France.

Hope that I’ve helped you get it together on your way to leadership!

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25 Self-Improvement Questions Every Leader Should Answer This New Year

The New Years are a time when leaders reflect on their past year, past behavior and past achievements.

Usually, they meditate on their future goals, future actions and their future selves.

Leaders think about self-improvement,
life lessons, tend to shift priorities and renew their mindset.

Below, we have gathered a few questions to help guide leaders through the process.

Wondering what are the questions that every leader should ponder upon this Year?

25 Self-Improvement Questions Every Leader Should Answer This New Year #questions #newyears #newme #selfawareness #selfimprovement #selfdevelopment #leadership #leadershipdevelopment #lifelessons #journeytoleadership

1. How would you describe your best and most authentic self?

2. What would you say is your main purpose in life?

3. What are you most grateful for?

4. What would you do if you knew you could not fail?

5. What do you want your achievements to be this year?

6. What is your idea of success?

7. Which habits, qualities and leadership skills would you like to acquire by the end of the year?

8. Which projects would you want to create, join or complete?

9. How would you like to spend your free time?

10. Who and what do you value most?

11. Are you willing to step out your comfort zone?

12. Which habits energize you and improve your mindset?

13. What are your overall motivations?

14. What was the best thing that happened last year?

15. What was the most challenging thing that happened last year and what did you learn from it?

16. What would you have done differently?

17. What do you wish to let go of that no longer serves you?

18. What are your emotional triggers and what can you do about them?

19. What and who keep you present?

20. What boundaries will you be setting?

21. Are you making good use of your time?

22. What are your main core values?

23. Are you the best leader you can be?

24. What is your ideal life?

25. What are you most excited for this year?

Last Words Of Advice!

Take it one day at a time…

Honestly answering one question at a time will help you assess where you were and where you are heading this year.
Hope that I’ve helped you get it together on your way to leadership!

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12 Things Leaders Do That Demotivate Their Team

Through their actions and decisions, leaders highly impact your overall job experience.

For the most part, they are responsible for your motivation, responsibilities, career prospects, work-life balance, engagement and alignment.

Wondering how leadership can demotivate teams?

12 Things Leaders Do That Demotivate Their Team #team #motivation #leadership journeytoleadershipblog.comMotivation is the combination of traits that drive someone to achieve their goals.

Therefore, demotivation occurs when there is a significant loss of drive, eagerness or willingness to do the work.

The loss of motivation mostly translates itself into:

  • Increased absenteeism,
  • Long lunches and breaks during working hours,
  • Unprofessionalism, distraction and disconnection from the job,
  • Distance and disconnection from others,
  • Desire to distract others.

Unfortunately, toxic leaders are often the cause of said demotivation.

1. Toxic leaders are closed to new ideas

Not only are they closed to new ideas, they will gladly criticize and shut others down.

Furthermore, they do not embrace change. They will usually think that they know best and will follow through on bad ideas despite the evidence of the contrary.

2. Toxic leaders encourage toxicity

They let bad behavior go unchecked.

Illegal behaviors such as toxic competition, sexual harassment, prurient curiosity, invasion of privacy, racism, sexism and discriminatory speeches are ignored, celebrated and are embedded in the company culture.

3. Toxic leaders don’t lead by example

They avoid engaging in difficult tasks or challenging conversations.

They also behave poorly but get away with it because they have the power to do so or because human resources turn a blind eye to their behavior.

4. Toxic leaders pressure their team to meet unrealistic expectations

As a leader, ensuring that your team members meet the bottom line is surely important.

However, employees who cannot meet unrealistic goals tend to get demotivated and quit.

5. Toxic leaders treat their team like a commodity

They feel free to disrespect their team members, take advantage of people or play with their team like pawns.

They also feel free to fire people or demonstrate that they are replaceable.

Demotivated perform at their minimal best but not because they lack discipline.

6. Toxic leaders are in constant competition

Competitive and jealous leaders have huge egos and very low self esteem.

In this scenario, high performers tend to go unrecognized and unrewarded.

Even worse, their ideas are stolen and their achievements ignored.

7. Toxic leaders micromanage

Leaders who micromanage lack trust in the abilities of their team members.

They don’t allow their team to make or correct mistakes.

8. Toxic leaders don’t listen

Bad leaders don’t listen to anyone or anything.

By doing so, they don’t understand their team members potential and don’t adapt projects to them.

The reality is that when teams don’t feel heard, they ultimately get demotivated.

9. Toxic leaders don’t believe in work relationships

They are unaware of their team members responsibilities.

Leaders who don’t work on a relationship with their team members rarely notice when a team member gets demotivated.

10. Toxic leaders don’t communicate objectives

When teams don’t see the bigger picture or feel like they are in the loop, they become unable to measure their performance, involvement and their impact.

11. Toxic leaders brew conflict

They pit employees one against the other, play favorites and treat others unfairly.

That way, while employees are occupied fighting, nobody has the time they question their poor leadership.

In that case, motivation is lossed and employees usually quit.

12. Toxic leaders are not flexible

They don’t allow remote working and don’t encourage a healthy work-life balance.

They are oblivious to the fact that motivated teams contribute twice as more than demotivated ones.

Last Words Of Advice

People don’t leave jobs, they leave terrible leaders.


Hope that I’ve helped you get it together on your way to leadership!

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Find Your Passion: 25 Questions You Must Ask Yourself By Henri Junttila

Find Your Passion: 25 Questions You Must Ask Yourself by Henri Junttila is a self-help book that encourages people to find their passion and get the life they want.
Finding your passion is about exploration, living the life of your dreams, getting out of your comfort zone, overcoming obstacles and bringing out your inner joy.

Passion is waking up energized and motivated to do the things you love. It means being able to persist through adversity.

To identify and live your passion, Henri Junttila poses 25 questions that will help you assess yourself, overcome roadblocks and successfully create your life goals.

Find Your Passion: 25 Questions You Must Ask Yourself By Henri Junttila


First, you must get to know yourself, your strengths and weaknesses, your interests.

Your definition of passion

According to Henri Junttila, you must first discover what the word passion means to you and what it means to people around you. You must also be able to envision yourself living a passionate life and find out how it feels to be passionate.

Keep in mind that your passion is personal, internal and intrinsic to your being. It is not what society, friends and family tell you it should be.

Talents, strengths and weaknesses

Everyone has a gift and it is your duty to find out what you are gifted at because most of the time, your passions lie within your gifts.

Besides, tapping into your strengths will make you a happier person. Not doing so will definitely make you feel miserable, out of focus, burnt out.

It is therefore detrimental to:

  • Explore every single one of your interests and natural inclinations. For example, what do you find yourself naturally talking about? People can have several passions. They should explore all of them and see which ones resonates the most.
  • Remind yourself of your dreams, strengths and passions as a child.
  • Analyze the reasons why you are interested in certain activities.
  • Evaluate the advice that is requested from you and the advice that you give.
  • Take strengths and weaknesses assessment tests.
  • Analyze your situation, how people feel about you.
  • Do things that are out of your comfort zone.
  • Value your natural gifts.
  • Find out how you can apply your strengths in different areas of your life.
  • Don’t take advice from people but instead follow your gut.
  • Strengthen the connection to your inner voice. Your intuition has your best interest and can never lead you astray.
  • Determine what angers and disturbs you so you can avoid settling for mediocrity.

Making A Life Plan

Goals ate milestones. They are there to measure your progress and your passion.

  • Figure out your life goals in five or ten years.
  • Identify the pros and the cons of success. Check if they are worthwhile and if you can tolerate them. Usually the benefits outweigh the drawbacks.
  • Work like you will succeed and dream like you cannot fail.
  • Visualize your goals, yourself living a successful life and take the steps needed to achieve that.
  • Detail your plan and the life you want.
  • Improve your problem solving sills.
  • Don’t make assumptions.

Finding Your Passion and Self-sabotaging

We are sometimes our worst enemy. Our assumptions about people or about ourselves are hard to shift or to disable. And sometimes, they can hold us back.

To get rid of the debilitating assumptions that you make about yourself:

  • Find out what you hate, what would hinder you as a human being, what you wouldn’t do, what would go against your core values.
  • Trust your gut.
  • Don’t impose limits to your imagination.
  • Change your perspective on your problems.
  • Review your systems of belief and integrate the ideas needed to succeed.
  • Don’t listen to naysayers. This is hard because naysayers are mostly family and close friends who are afraid of facing their own realities and who are afraid that you will outgrow them.
  • Dream big but don’t settle.
  • Don’t give up on yourself and your dreams.
  • Don’t allow yourself to get overwhelmed.

Overcoming Factors Out Of Your Control

In life, there a numerous obstacles to success and to happiness: money, death and other factors.

Indeed, money or lack thereof is limiting. People need money to go after their passion, to recover from failure, to have the opportunity to explore, to remove fear.
However, finding your passion is all about being resilient and understanding that not everything is going to go your way. You must also:

  • Understand that to every problem there are multiple solutions.
  • Understand that nothing will never be perfect and that there is no right time to start.
  • Don’t be afraid of failure or of success. Work like you cannot fail.
  • Follow your passion whether you have money or not.
  • Even when facing obstacles or feeling stuck, take baby steps no matter what.
  • Think about your own death and the legacy you want to leave. Thinking about your own death will help you prioritize and focus on the essentials.


Find Your Passion: 25 Questions You Must Ask Yourself by Henri Junttila is a relatable, quick and easy to read book that helps you to get to know and love yourself just the way you are.

It is primarily written for people who feel lost in the world, who are fearful, who go through life without passion or without a clear purpose.

The silver lining is that it’s never too late to find and follow your passions.

In Find Your Passion: 25 Questions You Must Ask Yourself, Henri Junttila was able to share all this useful information in such a concise book.

He also provides us with additional insightful questions and a complete workbook, which makes the book completely unreadable without a paper and a pen.

It is imperative that you keep this book close by, that you take your time to answer these questions and that you don’t censor yourself. Your answers may not come to you at first but you can always revisit the book.
Be authentic with the world and with yourself and you will never fail.

Favorite quote(s)

When I see people limit themselves, I get angry. I see the potential in people, but they don’t do anything about it. They settle for mediocrity, and they believe they can’t do better.

Living a passionate life doesn’t happen overnight. It’s hard work, and it’s not as glamorous as people make it out to be. However, this doesn’t mean you shouldn’t go after it. It simply means that it takes more work than you’d expect.

Ratings 4/5


Henri Junttila

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Unbeatable Mind: Forge Resiliency and Mental Toughness to Succeed at an Elite Level By Mark Divine

Unbeatable Mind: Forge Resiliency and Mental Toughness to Succeed at an Elite Level by Mark Divine provides methods and strategies to:

  • Develop an unbeatable mind.
  • Deal with harsh realities.
  • Increase your personal power.
  • Improve your thought pattern and find your positive focus.
  • Master and outperform yourself.
  • Train your team.

Unbeatable Mind: Forge Resiliency and Mental Toughness to Succeed at an Elite Level By Mark Divine

An Unbeatable Mind?

A person with an unbeatable mind is always original, cultivates excellence, seeks to magnify his or her potential and hates mediocrity.

In addition, an unbeatable mind follows universal laws and truths, is resilient, has great character and leadership qualities.

Furthermore, an unbeatable mind avoids group-thinking, procrastination and inaction.

According to Divine, it is imperative that you gain mental control, acquire mental toughness and develop leadership qualities.

How to find your positive focus and gain mental control?

Spending time alone and in silence, quieting your mind is discouraged in Western society.

We are rarely, if ever, encouraged to spend time in silence or get to know the depth of our character. - Mark Divine Click To Tweet

People are therefore prone to negative thinking. However, negativity destroys performance and brings down your energy.

In order to find a positive focus and gain mental control:

  1. Be aware of your negativity. To become self-ware, practice silence, define your passion, principles and purpose.
  2. Prohibit the negative self-talk.
  3. Focus on positive self-talk or affirmations. Add positive imagery and feelings to those affirmations.
  4. Find a mantra or an affirmation that will run in the background of your mind.

How to gain mental toughness?

Mental toughness is sustaining positive focus on one task, on the one thing that keeps you going.
Mental toughness helps you concentrate on your tasks for long periods of time without any distractions.

To develop mental toughness:

  1. Practice concentration on a daily basis.
  2. Understand that your overall success depends on every single choice that you make.
  3. Acknowledge that the small choices lead you towards excellence and shape your life the most.
  4. Educate yourself on how stress works, how you react to it and learn to eliminate it from your life.

Develop the disciplines of a Warrior

According to Mark Divine, Warriors are those who have achieved mental control and mental toughness.

They have learnt to discipline their mind so they can focus on the things that matter most, maintain positive focus when they need it most, avoid being distracted by negative emotions and negative beliefs.

Since the Warrior is committed to mastering himself or herself, he or she has mastered the following disciplines:

  1. Simplicity. They have learnt to detach themselves from material things that they don’t need.
  2. Dedication. They apply themselves daily but don’t take themselves too seriously.
  3. Authenticity. They are honest with themselves.
  4. Service. They build up their character.

Warriors with unbeatable minds:

  • Develop a strong plan and discipline.
  • Commit daily to the plan.
  • Are mindful of their decisions.
  • Stay in the present moment.
  • Maintain their energy and their positive focus.
  • Fulfill their purpose.
  • Make change happen.
  • Step up their game and take action.
  • Lead themselves and work with an unbeatable team.
  • Do what is best for their team.
  • Align their team with their vision and purpose.


Unbeatable Mind: Forge Resiliency and Mental Toughness to Succeed at an Elite Level by Mark Divine is a great guide for being and maintaining positivity no matter what.

Mark Divine gives sound and practical advice, using his 20 years of experience as a Navy Seal.

Mark Divine applies what he learnt with the NAVY to his regular life and work. He teaches you how to:

  • Discipline yourself and manage your emotions.
  • Reject mediocrity.
  • Build up your resilience.
  • get the life and career you want.

Unbeatable Mind: Forge Resiliency and Mental Toughness to Succeed at an Elite Level is useful for leaders, corporate teams and all those who want to condition their mind, body and soul.

I definitively loved the military aspect, principles and parallels in the book. However, because of his experience, some of his analogies are extreme and unrelatable.

Let me know below what you think about this book!

Favorite quote(s)

Consistency is the omnipotent force behind change.

We are rarely, if ever, encouraged to spend time in silence or get to know the depth of our character.

Negativity destroys performance in the short term and precludes success and happiness in the long term.

Lack of meaning and purpose is a major cause of despair and despondency in the world.

Ratings 4/5


Mark Divine

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Living Forward: A Proven Plan to Stop Drifting and Get the Life You Want By Michael Hyatt & Daniel Harkavy

In Living Forward: A Proven Plan to Stop Drifting and Get the Life You Want, Michael Hyatt & Daniel Harkavy suggest that we define a plan for our lives.

They introduce us to the concept of Life Planning and show us how to implement the process.

Living Forward: A Proven Plan to Stop Drifting and Get the Life You Want By Michael Hyatt & Daniel Harkavy

What is a Life Plan?

According to Hyatt and Harkavy, “A Life Plan is a short written document, usually five to fifteen pages long“.

The Life Plan is personal, describes your priorities, the steps to reach your goals and the legacy you want to leave.

It is a life long process, that can continually be adjusted and improved. A Life Plan doesn’t shield you from life challenges and failures. Instead, it will help you create intention for your life.

It is common to have a career plan but no Life Plan. The Life Plan enables you to:

  • Set priorities and stick to them.
  • Stop sacrificing yourself, to stop trading health and time for work, career advancement, accolades or money.
  • Filter out opportunities. As you get older and as you get experiences, opportunity coming your way will multiply. It is therefore important to know where your priorities lie and what opportunity to choose.
  • Avoid distractions, confront and deal with reality.
  • Avoid the feeling of being stuck and allow you to keep your eyes on the future.
  • Avoid regrets and increase your level of control.

The drift and its consequences

Most people drift away from their dreams because:

  • They are unaware that their ideas and assumptions are inaccurate and harmful.
  • There is a discrepancy between their beliefs and reality.
  • They are distracted, are spread too thin or too busy to focus on their lives and to start prioritizing.
  • They don’t understand that there is hope, that they can change and that they have more control over their lives than they think.

When you drift away from your dreams and when you don’t have a Life Plan, you tend to:

  • Lack meaning and purpose.
  • Waste your time and other valuable resources on meaningless tasks.
  • Lose opportunities and their sense of urgency. People who drift away procrastinate and are unable to discern a good opportunity from a bad.
  • Experience trouble more intensely because they are unprepared.
  • Take a passive approach to life, shift blame and live in regrets.

Designing and implementing your Life Plan

To design your Life Plan, it is necessary to outline your legacy, to set your priorities, get clarity on your objectives and to reserve one day to build your Life Plan.

Outlining your legacy

To design your Life Plan, keep in mind that everybody leaves a legacy, face your mortality and begin with the end in mind.

It is critical to write your Life Plan like you are writing your eulogy, to imagine how you want others to remember you and to stay committed to the process.

Setting your priorities

Getting more clarity on your objectives will definitely increase your commitment. To do so, you must steer clear from external expectations and do what is right for you.

Getting clarity on objectives

  • Identify your purpose.
  • Project yourself into the future, picture yourself in it and imagine all the different positive outcomes. To make your vision much more compelling, write down in the present tense what you hear, feel, see, smell and taste.
  • Find and apply a quote that inspires you.
  • Make an honest assessment of your current progress.
  • Commit to specific, measurable, actionable, realistic and time-bond goals.

Devote one day to your Life Plan

Hyatt & Harkavy recommend that you schedule one day to create your Life Plan. Needless to say, the Life plan should be implemented starting the next day.

It is necessary to allow yourself to dream, to not expect perfection and to not get distracted.

Implement your plan

Implementing the Life Plan is the most challenging part. It is necessary to:

  • Include your Life Plan in your everyday routine.
  • Fight the feeling of being overwhelmed by life’s drama.
  • Don’t be afraid to say no or to disappoint others.
  • Read your plan daily and review it often.


Living Forward: A Proven Plan to Stop Drifting and Get the Life You Want by Michael Hyatt & Daniel Harkavy is an easy to read self-help book that is based on some of their traumatic experiences.

It is destined to increase our focus, to helps us find out what matters most, to acquire meaning and fulfillment in our everyday life, to allow us to prioritize our lives and to contribute effectively,

This book is written for people who are looking for a better direction for their life because they are either:

  • unsatisfied with the current state of their lives,
  • lack purpose,
  • seeking more balance,
  • unable to overcome life challenges,
  • noticing that their lives don’t fit their vision or dream,
  • not reaching their full potential.

The earlier we start creating and implementing a Life Plan, the better.

Favorite quote(s)

Living Forward will heighten your sense of what’s truly possible for you in life. If you feel out of balance, aware that your current pace is unsustainable; if you are making great gains professionally but don’t want to neglect personal priorities; if you want to have better focus to succeed financially; if you have gone through a recent tragedy and suddenly become aware that life is short; if any of those are true, this book is for you.

I know that how we lead ourselves in life impacts how we lead those around us. Self-leadership always precedes team leadership. We must have a balanced approach to accumulating net worth in all of the critical accounts in our lives, not just one or two. Ultimately this allows us to make the greatest difference and adds the most value to those around us. It is possible to grow at work without diminishing other areas of our lives. Living forward helps us find and maintain our balance.

Ratings 4/5


Daniel Harkavy

Michael Hyatt

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10 Proven Ways To Shift Perspective

We are often faced with stressful situations in our personal and professional lives…

Unfortunately, perception is reality.

That means that our perception of the situation will most of the time determines our reaction.

Shifting perception doesn’t mean switching viewpoint or distorting the truth but broadening your understanding of all facets of the situation.

Wondering how to shift your perspective?

10 Proven Ways To Shift Perspective

Perception is a combination of the information collected, your experience and system of belief.

To shift it, there are some steps that you can take.

1. Put some distance between you and the drama

Sometimes, we get caught up in negative situations whether we want to or not or we stay in toxic environments longer than we should.

Removing yourself from that environment is the best way to change perspective.

If you are consistently surrounded by negative people, your thoughts will sooner or later become negative.

You may wonder whether you are creating or amplifying the negativity but if you remove yourself from it and it still goes on, you have nothing to do with it.

You probably just got caught up in someone else’s crazy.

2. Change your programming

You must be aware of the type of content that you allow to program your subconscious mind.

If you aren’t able to find the perspective you are looking for, seek out content that comforts you and that is similar to the perspective you wish to achieve or to the attitude you wish to emulate.

You may need to gather different sources of positivity around you like podcasts, books or movies.

3. Pay attention to self-talk

You are in control of your thoughts and of the way you react to situations.

In order to help your self-talk, you can use words of affirmation.

4. Adjust your expectations

Most drama in life comes from having too high expectations for people.

If someone has disappointed you or created unnecessary drama, you need to reset and lower your expectations for them.

5. Limit your time

If you are unable to physically remove yourself from drama, you can limit your time there while attempting to find a solution.

By doing so, you will gradually:

  • Prioritize the essentials.
  • Understand that everything is temporary.
  • Acknowledge that you don’t have to stay in it longer than necessary.

6. Find the lesson

Find the lesson and focus on the positives.

Finding the lesson in a negative situation allows you to look past yourself, to grow and to not be the victim.

7. Take a step back

Sometimes, we create our own drama or participate at some level in someone else’s.

According to Miguel Ruiz in The Four Agreements, taking someone else’s drama personally will only make things worse.

It then helps to take a step back to gather yourself and to evaluate the situation.

By doing so, you can also make sure that the story you tell yourself isn’t laced with elements of your past.

8. Change your reaction

You may no be able to shift your perspective just yet but you can change your reaction.

The truth is if you keep doing the same thing, you will keep getting the same result.

So, when faced with a situation that seems consistently challenging, try doing something different.

It may not solve the situation but you will get a different result and therefore gain more perspective.

9. See the bigger picture

Drama and the way we think about it can cause serious repercussions on your life.

Visualizing the bigger picture reframes the negative situation and reduces its impact.

Will this matter in the long run? In 5 days, 5 months or 5 years, will you remember this person or that job?

10. Forgive yourself

Staying in a negative situation, talking to negative people or walking around thinking about negative situation is damaging to your health and will only amplify the drama.

So, take the time to process the negative emotions, forgive yourself for staying in a bad situation for too long and hold on to the glimmer of hope.

Last Words Of Advice!

The circumstances of the situation you are dealing with depend on your perspective and your reaction.

Shifting perspective is a mind trick that allows you to better face challenges and that relies on the principal that you have the power to control your thoughts.

Hope that I’ve helped you get it together on your way to leadership!

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5 Inpiring Quotes For Leadership Development

Leadership development aims to provide leaders with the hard and soft skills needed to execute their job within their capacity and within their organization.

Usually, leadership development boosts employee morale, engagement, alignment and productivity.

5 Inpiring Quotes For Leadership Development

1. Leaders demonstrate integrity and instill trust

“Earn trust, earn trust, earn trust. Then you can worry about the rest.” – SETH GODIN

2. Leaders learn continuously

“Leadership and learning are indispensable to each other.” – John F. Kennedy

3. Leaders maintain strong communication skills

“You can have brilliant ideas, but if you can’t get them across, your ideas won’t get you anywhere.” – Lee Iacocca

4. Leaders possess good decision-making skills

“In any moment of decision, the best thing you can do is the right thing, the next best thing is the wrong thing, and the worst thing you can do is nothing.” – Theodore Roosevelt

5. Leaders build healthy relationships

A leader’s attitude is caught by his or her followers more quickly than his or her actions. – John C. Maxwell

Last Words Of Advice

There are several leadership programs out there.

It is important that you find the right one for you to gain the ability to inspire, influence, improve your performance and cope with challenges.

Hope that I’ve helped you get it together on your way to leadership!

Don’t forget to like, share and leave a comment below.

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