The Calling Journey by Tony Stoltzfus

The Calling Journey by Tony Stoltzfus is a Faith-based book that helps you understand, through multiple biblical figures, the plan and the life purpose of most leaders’ journey.

Indeed, this book develops a journey timeline model which divides a leader’s journey into, successively, six distinctive steps:

  • Natural promotion where leaders advance without difficulties with their innate abilities.
  • Valley of dependence where leaders strengthen their faith in God.
  • Preparation Stage where leaders learn new skills.
  • Valley of wholeness where leaders let go of any character flaw that arrests their personal progress.
  • Releasing Stage where leaders are promoted to their area of calling and expertise.
  • Valley of identity where leaders start distinguishing their identity from their purpose.
  • Fulfillment where leaders reach their full potential and accomplish their destiny.


The Calling JourneyThis inspirational and encouraging book is written for purpose driven leaders and provides us with a new understanding and a new mindset.

Thanks to this book, readers can:

  • firstly, learn to trust God and translate God’s message for their calling,
  • then, acquire patience and other virtues throughout struggles by mapping out the journey with a personal calling timeline,
  • renew their mindset,
  • gain a new perspective on events and look beyond circumstances,
  • shift focus from self to purpose,
  • remove the pressure of themselves and of finding the right career path right away,
  • take each and every traumatic experience to transform into something productive and find your calling.

Finally, this book takes us through the life of renowned leaders and biblical characters such as Joseph and mother Teresa in order to show us that finding your calling is a lengthy process.

Favorite quotes

Much of the pain we experience in times of adversity is not from the events themselves, but from our kicking back against the pricks life is making to our ego and our beliefs. Instead of meeting God in the event, we waste energy agonizing over the wrong questions. Am I a failure? Has God passed me by? Is he even out there? Will my dreams ever come true? What is wrong with me? When we don’t squirm and struggle to get out of the places God has us, so we can get to the completely different places that we think he wants us. Understanding what God has planned makes a huge difference.

Ratings 2,5/5

About the author

Tony Stoltzfus

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3 thoughts on “The Calling Journey by Tony Stoltzfus

  1. I think this is a very inspiring and eye opening book. Many times in life, we question God about His plans for us, especially when we feel like we are in dire straits. I think what we must do, instead of questioning God is to accept and trust in His Wisdom.

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